Utility Law and Litigation

For more than forty years, Lau Lane has specialized in assisting gas and electric companies in overcoming the unique challenges faced by utilities, whether investor- or member-owned. Each utility faces a unique set of business and litigation concerns involving property damage, construction delays, contract disputes, right-of-way contests, and accidents involving serious injuries or the loss of loved ones. Early and active investigation and planning is crucial, and Lau Lane is committed to providing strategic legal solutions tailored to the utility’s specific needs and goals, whether to avoid costly litigation, resolve disputes, or achieve success in a trial or appellate court. Importantly, Lau Lane proudly assists client initiatives to continue to prioritize safety and reliability. We are honored to represent multiple clients in the gas and electric industry, and we continue to learn important lessons from our valued clients. 

Contact Us

Whether you need assistance at initial investigation, final appeal, or anywhere in-between, the team at Lau Lane is here to assist our clients achieve their best outcome. Please call or email us today.